
Installation Guide for hmm-api.

1. Installation

Using npm:

npm install hmm-api

Using yarn:

yarn add hmm-api

2. Import and Usage

In your JavaScript file:

import ApiClient from "hmm-api";

// Create an instance of the ApiClient
const apiClient = new ApiClient();

// Make API requests
  .then((response) => {
    if (response.success) {
      // Handle successful response
    } else {
      // Handle error response
  .catch((error) => {
    // Handle general errors

3. API Configuration (Optional)

You can customize the ApiClient instance with the following options:

  • toast: An instance of your preferred toast library for displaying notifications.
  • globalHeaders: An object containing headers to be included in all requests.
  • showErrorToast: A boolean indicating whether to show toast notifications for errors (default: true).
  • parseErrorResponse: A function to customize error message parsing.
  • credentials: A string specifying the credentials mode for requests (e.g., 'include', 'same-origin').

Example with configuration:

import ApiClient from "hmm-api";
import MyToastLibrary from "my-toast-library";

const apiClient = new ApiClient({
  toast: MyToastLibrary,

Remember to replace with the actual URL of your API endpoint and adjust the configuration options as needed.